Podcast: The Virtue of Love in the Workplace

I recently travelled to Denver and had the joy of having a conversation with Joanna and Abby at the Denver Institute of Faith & Work in their ‘Virtues and Vices’ series. I talked about love in the workplace: how Christians can express it appropriately, and how God might use our work to develop the virtue of love in us.

Here is the link to the podcast, a transcript of the episode. Below are some highlights.

We also recorded 25 minutes of bonus material which is available to listen to. Joanna asked me about the sacred/secular divide and some of the differences between expressions of Christianity in Australia versus the US. Here is the transcript for that.


On learning love:

“Our life is the school of love. It’s how we learn to love, and the workplace is a beautiful place to learn how to love.”

On love in the highest model:

” It’s putting one’s self down to love the other. I think that’s probably biblically our highest model of what love is. It’s actually being willing to sacrifice some of your own desire so that you can do what is good for the other. That’s how I define love.

On worshiping God not our work:

” If we don’t think about worshiping God through our work, the default position that most of us have is that we actually worship our work…”